BlaumBowl 2020 Show Squares
C-Hill Alex Taheri 2 Chadfitz James Skal Alex Taheri 2 joshuamarkowitz Mded Swiszcz Alex Taheri Alex Taheri 2
Qtr 1Qtr 2
Qtr 3Qtr 4
timthaile timthaile Gary Norton joshuamarkowitz timthaile Alex Taheri 2 joshuamarkowitz C-Hill JDawes kgarrett
joshuamarkowitz Zac Taylor Orloff CurtC J dawes Mded JimC timthaile Alex Taheri 2 timthaile
Mark M timthaile CurtC Alex Taheri 2 C-Hill Zac Taylor MAF joshuamarkowitz timthaile Alex Taheri Q1 Score: to
J dawes CurtC DanO Mded Go-go JDawes James Skal timthaile Chadfitz joshuamarkowitz Q2 Score: to
JeffB James Skal J dawes Alex Taheri timthaile Chadfitz J dawes Jmark23 Orloff timthaile Q3 Score: to
Swiszcz Alex Taheri 2 C-Hill Cyue2795 joshuamarkowitz timthaile Mark M Mded Gary Norton Mded Final Sc: to
Orloff JDawes Alex Taheri 2 timthaile JimC timthaile Cyue2795 Orloff Mded J dawes
MAF Alex Taheri J dawes JeffB Jmark23 DanO Alex Taheri 2 timthaile joshuamarkowitz Jmark23
Chadfitz joshuamarkowitz joshuamarkowitz kgarrett Alex Taheri 2 Go-go Mded Alex Taheri Go-go C-Hill