Thompson Super Bowl
Cost is $1 per square - you can buy up to 10 squares If we don't sell all the squares we'll open to buy more (has to sell out) Numbers will be put on squares once they're all sold - Randomly. If you need to know how a Squares pool works, just ask. It's simple!
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Next year, consider running your regular Office Fooball pool online! It makes the whole
thing a LOT more fun. We handle NFL pools, college football pools, suicide pools, et. al. You can do that here:
Trash Talk
Hey Thompsons... welcome to America.... now - GIMME YOUR MONEY!!!
Hey Thompsons... keep dumping money in.... I need some new shoes!!
Next year, consider running your pick-all pool online. Try if for free:
Football Pool Page
We also have an NFL playoff pool here:
NFL Playoff Pool
For a video tutorial on, click here:
How to use video (Please "like" to help the website)
Run your regular office football pool online at
Entered by: Marcel (The Winner!!) Entered on: Sun 2/4 7:30 AM
Entered by: Marcel (The Winner!!) Entered on: Sun 2/4 3:22 PM