T.I.T.S. Fantasy SB
$1 per square 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarter Payout = $12.50bor 1/8 if not all squares taken 4th Quarter Payout = $25 or 5/8 if not all squares taken If no winner for that quarter, that quarters pool goes to 4th Quarter winner
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Next year, consider running your regular Office Fooball pool online! It makes the whole
thing a LOT more fun. We handle NFL pools, college football pools, suicide pools, et. al. You can do that here:
Trash Talk
Next year, consider running your pick-all pool online. Try if for free:
Football Pool Page
We also have an NFL playoff pool here:
NFL Playoff Pool
For a video tutorial on squarespool.com, click here:
How to use Squarespool.com video (Please "like" to help the website)
Run your regular office football pool online at castle64.com