Ninersvhawks$5F/R Show Squares
Big H 24 OG Nissa MNL2 Vincent Bobbi Joe Renee Sasha Aprial
Qtr 1Qtr 2
Qtr 3Qtr 4
MNL2 Black Diamond Courtney Javien DEA Big H 24 Nissa Goodie Dennis Bobbi
Renee Sharice Sasha Latricia SSS Nook Goat Boss Lady 78 Black Diamond BBC
Nean BBC Maryann OG NeeNee Goat Liz Farrah Kenton Vincent Q1 Score: to
Latricia Danielle Bobcat Kenton OG Joe Aprial Steve L Renee NeeNee Q2 Score: to
Goodie Bobbi Dennis Goat Chantelle BBC Latricia Nissa Big H 24 MNL2 Q3 Score: to
Vincent Nissa Goat Big H 24 Latricia Nean Javien Maryann SSS Kenton Final Sc: to
DEA Liz Farrah NeeNee Black Diamond Kenton Sasha Latricia NeeNee Danielle
Black Diamond Big H 24 MNL2 Steve L Joe Vincent Bobbi Chantelle OG Sasha
OG Nook BBC Boss Lady 78 Sharice Renee Bobcat DEA Goat Nissa